Thursday 19 July 2018

Observatory bunkers.

I wandered away from the river past the Key Theatre, where a group of office workers were hanging around outside, evidently undertaking some sort of team building activity or training. Flipchart paper was stuck on the windows where they congregated. Otherwise the building looked deserted. The cafe/restaurant/bar which was partly what attracted me over in the first place, was closed. Maybe the office workers were planning a strategy. If they were, it looked like they were unsure of what it might be and were in no rush to reach a decision.

Just past the gathering I noticed a white box like brick construction half emersed in the ground like a bunker. There was a sort of grill through which some sort of electronic device was kept. Maybe meters for utilities, but it seemed an odd place to keep them. It looked like an oversized microwave oven made of brick, or the back of a refrigerator that was buried three quarters into the ground. It was facing directly at the theatre and the office workers, as if observing them.

Just before I encountered the office workers, I had seen another 'box'. This one had been smashed up, the lid and grill had gone and the electronic device was exposed. I hadn't taken much notice until I came across the second one, still in tact. What these bizarre structures were, or what the devices inside them did, I had no idea. Who had smashed up the first? The office workers? Had they been overcome by some terrible malaise causing them to destroy technology that frightened them, similar to the situation described in the peculiarly sinister children's TV series 'The Changes'? Perhaps they knew something the rest of us didn't and were planning on fleeing the city to find a safe haven in the country, or at the coast, or in France. Somewhere away from the constant stare of the observatory bunkers.

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